An installation made during one of the DevCamps at Mediamatic (2010, the ‘IkCentric Edition’)
The installation build together with Dirk van den Bosch en Mark Wubben, allows you to make a temporal and digital graffiti on the glass window panes, by use of a mobile device or bike lights (or basically any other light source).
The installation was connected with the Mediamatic network and database (AnyMeta), which gave the installation extra functionality with the features ‘I Like’, I Made This’ and ‘Erase’ just by swiping your personal RFID tag (which is connected to your Mediamatic profile). The installation was a big succes, even policecars stopped at night to check out what we where doing..
The installation featured also on ‘Noorderslag’ in Groningen (2011) and on ‘Three Days Off” in Amsterdam.
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