Concept Car|t|

This commisioned work for the Car Art festival in 2012 in Delft (NL) was sponsored by a local hardware store (with tiles, bathtub and a small budget for building materials).  The goal was to make an object with these parts that would fit the Car Art Festival standards..

A mobile bathtub was created on a trailer (to be moved with a car), by making use (or reusing) old car parts. The heating of the water was realized by a wood fire. A special stove was build. Mounted on the stove was a car radiator which functioned as a heat exchanger. Furthermore radiator hose was used on the water system for the heating. To make the tub into a proper jacuzzi an airbed pump, solar panel and a battery was used for making air bubbles in the water.

The water temperature was easily pushed over 40 degrees Celsius.